Over the 76 years that the Bradby Shield was contested

Over the 76 years that the Bradby Shield was contested, Royal had only come back from a 1st leg defeat on 2 occasions. In 1979 they had lost by 1 point and in 1998 they lost by 2 points, before coming back to win with considerable margins of 18 and 31 points in the respective 2nd legs. In this 77th encounter would they be able to erase the 3-point deficit they conceded in Pallekelle? Would the comeback score be significant?
After the victory that Trinity recorded in the 1st leg, it was no surprise that they named an identical team for the 2nd. On the other hand, Coach Luka made several changes. Skipper Randul who had played the entire season in the centers was making a return to his favored position at the back of the scrum. Ayyash was benched to accommodate this move with Buwa switching to blind side. Philio was taking Randul’s spot in the center, Amika was brought on to the right wing and Charuka would (for the 1st time this season) man the last line of defence. The trilogy of season firsts was complete with Savistha starting at 9. The specialist scrumhalf who had turned 16 less than 2 months ago, had previously only come off the bench for a total of approximately 30 playing minutes. It also meant that Thivain would be entrusted with the conversions.
Charu’s collection of the kick-off was decent but a minute later he was pickpocketed. Young Althaf’s bold attempt at a drop-goal after just 68 seconds of play is ill-timed and well-short of the target. Charu had no time to reach the ball on the full and was waiting patiently to secure it on the 1st bounce. He had not anticipated the speed and guile of Wanasekera. Trinity’s explosive right winger rose above Charu, grabbed the ball out of his waiting arms and sprinted his way to the try line. Trinity had increased their aggregate lead over Royal to 10 points in the 1st two minutes of the game.
Royal responded by putting Trinity under tremendous pressure. Captain Manzil’s fumble of a high kick is compounded by 2 penalties. Royal is in no mood to take penalty kicks, they tap and run through their big forwards and Randul’s return to the number 8 position is justified with a try in the 6th minute. Surprisingly, Thivain misses the straightforward conversion and Royal has reduced the aggregate deficit to 5 points.
Trinity have an opportunity to increase that lead when 4 quick short passes allow the hulking 2nd rower Illangaratne to make a dangerous foray into Royal’s 22m. The new and slightly built scrum half; Savistha is called upon to make the tackle. He gives up 30kg in the successful effort.
Royal vary the numbers in the first lineout and surprise Trinity with a successful rolling maul from midfield. Trinity continue to concede penalties and are given an official warning. Their 6th penalty in the 13th minute sees tight head Alexander sent to the naughty chair. Randul wisely choses a scrum and when Philio who has been running strongly upto that point makes a line break, the front five takes over and Randul fights his way through the Trinity pack to score his 2nd try. Thivain converts and Royal is leading the aggregate score by just 2 points in the 14th minute.
In the 20th minute, Wanasekera is at 1st receiver and chips over the fast-moving Royal defence. This time too he beats Charu to the bouncing ball but luckily Amika drags him down and the danger is averted.
Royal’s 1st penalty in the 21st minute allows Althaf to take a shot at goal and regain the aggregate lead at 22-23. It’s tense but Royal are playing with confidence through strong runs by Charu and kicks by Thiva. In the 26th minute, the 4th consecutive rolling maul from the 4th Royal lineout thunders 24m for Afeef to score their 3rd try. Along the way, 2 pieces of Kandyan theatre are enacted. Firstly, loose head Fernando pulls out of the initial maul and shows his left hand to Ref Yatawara. Towards the latter part of the maul, hooker Watagoda falls on the ground and motions to his medical staff for assistance. He appears to have a recurrence of the left elbow injury he sustained some weeks ago against SPC. While he gets treatment, Thiva misses the conversion from the right touch line but Royal have a 17-10 lead in the match and a 4-point aggregate lead.
The VC is in the thick of the action again as he chases his own territorial kick and boots it into touch. Charu is also prominent in the last line of defence, collecting a kick, evading 5 tacklers and running almost 35m into the Trinity 22m. Unfortunately, the attack is thwarted when a cleanout penalty is coughed up. Watagoda has copped another blow to his elbow and Yatawara calls for the match doctor. He is cleared to continue.
In the 33rd minute, Savistha puts up his 4th box kick. Yovindu who has been defending with all his heart, sees Bandaranayake running backwards to collect the high ball and ducks low to tackle him. At that moment, Bandaranayake lifts his feet off the ground to collect the ball. Entering the fray from behind and unseen by both Bandaranayake and Yovindu, Kodituwakku leaps higher and snatches the ball out of his teammates’ hand. Yovindu ends up tackling Bandaranayake in the air and without the ball. His timing and lowered eye line has resulted in a Yellow card with just 2.5 minutes left in the 1st half.
Thanks to Diga’s spoiling at the lineout and Philio’s defensive efforts in the middle, Trinity knock-on for the 6th time in the half and cannot take advantage. Half time is taken with a 4-point aggregate lead for Royal.
Soon after the resumption, Watagoda has further trouble with his elbow and Yatawara asks him whether it has jumped again. He denies the allegation and gutsily continues to play. 14-man Royal concedes 2 penalties enabling Trinity to advance in the red zone. They form a rolling maul and flanker Dhanapala peels off left and dives over the try line. He is disappointed with himself as he has lost possession in DC’s try saving tackle. The 39th minute effort is sent for review to the TMO. While waiting for a decision, tight head Alexander shows the rear of his neck to Yatawara.
Slow motion replays of the tackle appear to show that DC’s left hand has 1st connected with the ball before his forearm connects with Dhanapala’s neck. TMO Cader suggests ‘mitigating factors’ and recommends a Penalty try and a Yellow Card. Trinity ties the 2nd leg at 17-17 and regains the 3-point aggregate lead. Royal would be down to 13 players for the next 3.5 minutes. Wanasekera tries to take advantage by running and kicking the ball. Thiva is upto the task and sets Randul off on a solo 20m run which ends when he loses possession in the tackle.
Coach Luka decides to add more weight to the Yellow-card depleted pack and sends on Bastha in place of Thanvir. 2019 Captain Thulaib’s younger brother has given everything in a strong defensive effort.
Both Bandaranayake and Savistha make similar handling errors at the base and deny their respective teams quality set piece ball. Simak replaces Savistha as Yovindu returns to the fray. In his absence Trinity only scored via the penalty try that was caused by DC’s stiff arm.
A few minutes later, Manzil marks Thiva’s high ball just before Duljaya reaches him. The Trinity boxer with international experience stretches his arm out in a post-whistle hand off and both end up being warned for hand-bags. More drama follows in the 47th minute as Watagoda has another bout of elbow trouble. He is lying on the ground getting assistance when Yatawara once again asks whether it has jumped out of its socket. Watagoda responds by bouncing up like a magically cured soccer player and continues to play.
Royal are still down to 14 players in the 47th minute when Buwa drags down Afeef’s throw-in at a 5m lineout. Trinity are penalized again allowing Randul to score a hat-trick and Royal’s 4th try. Even though Simak just misses the conversion, Royal regains the aggregate lead at 32-30.
In the 51st minute, Amika visits the blood bin and is temporarily replaced by Nabil on the left wing. When Alexander attempts an extravagant back-of-the-hand pass to his fellow prop, the ball falls limply to ground. Nabil uses his soccer skills and boots it on the Royal 10m line. It travels 20m to the Trinity 10m line and bounces up beautifully into his breadbasket. Despite his left knee ACL injury, he runs the balance 40m to the left corner flag. Althaf makes a valiant effort to tackle him, but Nabil’s dive is spectacular and effective.
Royal have scored their 5th try and despite Simak missing the conversion, have taken a 27-17 lead in the match. DC returns to action and in his absence Royal have scored 2 tries and taken a 7 point aggregate lead.
Trinity have the full 4th quarter to respond. Ayyash who replaced Yovindu puts in a strong tackle on Althaf to counter their 1st attempt. Randul has been running regularly but is now hampered by the foot injury that flared up in the 1st leg.
Thineth has been magnificent in attack and defence all game and benefits from a Trinity overthrown lineout in the 56th minute. He charges at them once again and sets Philio off on another quality run. Althaf is kicking long in an attempt to take play back to Royal territory, but Nabil and Charu return serve. The 1st time full back has atoned for his 2nd minute faux pas with many territory gaining runs from kick receptions.
In the 59th minute, Trinity have an attacking lineout and swing the ball out to Kodituwakku. Philio who has bossed the midfield all afternoon, rips the ball out of his hands and turns possession back to Royal. Sadly, a forward pass checks their progress. Amika is back from the blood bin and Nabil returns to the bench.
Despite another solid tackle from Philio on Manzil, Trinity advance down the right touch line and are only stifled by Afeef’s jersey tugging cover tackle. It was a great effort in the 60th minute by the young hooker. When Royal are pinged for being offside, Trinity advance threateningly through Althaf, Wanasekera, Dhanapala and Samaraweera. They are almost on the Royal 5m line when Philio puts in another bone cruncher and Thivain pulls off an inspiring turnover.
Royal can’t capitalize as the ball bursts through Buwa’s hand at the lineout and Trinity pass the ball to Kodituwakku. His disappointing game continues when he drops the ball, halting a great attacking move. Trinity get more opportunities when Royal’s lineout fails for only the 2nd time in the afternoon and Bastha is Yellow carded for a high tackle. They have approximately 5 minutes to strike during the 15 on 14 advantage. Their crooked throw-in at the lineout is a fair reflection of their average afternoon.
Randul finally succumbs to his foot injury and is replaced by Naqeeb. The skipper has had a ripper in his final Bradby game. The young replacement hooker has big shoes to fill. He shrugs off the dehydration issues he faced during the week and manfully binds in the 3rd row. The pack is about to be tested as Kavinash is also replaced by Abdul Rahman. The loose head prop has also had one of his best games in his final Bradby shield outing.
Trinity get over eager at the sight of the new 7-man Royal scrum and give away their 2nd scrum penalty for driving upwards. It’s their 12th penalty of the game.
With 90 seconds left, Royal secure their 9th and final lineout through the mightily impressive Diga. They are planning on keeping possession till the final whistle but are careless and give away a scrum to Trinity for being accidentally offside.
With a minute remaining Trinity probably have their final opportunity to tie the game on aggregate score. They turn to one of their big guns. Wanasekera is fed possession but Royal’s midfield general pulls of his second and the teams 3rd turnover of the game. Philio’s final Bradby shield appearance has made the potent Trinity backline look pedestrian.
Thiva gleefully taps and kicks the ball into touch. It’s only the 3rd time in the 77-year history of the Bradby Shield that Royal have come back from a 1st leg loss to take the trophy. If the place kicking was accurate, Royal could have emulated the 1979 turnaround as 8 points went abegging from missed conversions.
It was good to see Thivain kick judiciously for territory on most occasions rather than the unproductive cross field running that took place in the 1st leg, sometimes from their own try-line.
Trinity who had successfully (if not legally) defended the Royal rolling maul in the 1st leg were taken by surprise at the many variations that Royal implemented in the 2nd leg and could not prevent the 5 rolling mauls from progressing many meters, with Referee Yatawara penalizing them often.
One of the keys to Royal’s victory was the huge improvement in discipline with a 50% reduction in the number of penalties given away in the 1st leg. In fact, the 1st penalty was conceded only in the 21stminute. Trinity on the other hand, doubled the number of penalties and free kicks they gave away. The 1st quarter was their worst with 6 penalties and 3 knock-ons. This was a sign of their inability to cope with the pressure that Royal put them under. Royal definitely wanted it more!

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